DM blog

A lot of recycling !!!!

jeudi 7 juin 2012

In the garden : lasagna gardening and other activities ...

I seem to spend a lot of time out in the garden these past days, and although at first it was frustrating, because I didn't see any improvement, I think the garden seems to show signs of being better tended now ...
Well, so I think ...

So let's start with the " lasagnas" , as we have a very poor soil we thought we might try this technique if we want to have some vegetables

This is just a first try , but it kept me very busy ...there are a few tomatoes , peppers and courgettes ..

They have grown since I have taken the photo ....

In the second one , peas , and a few salads in between the rows ...
... And I am afraid the wind has brought in a few wild  grass , which wasn't supposed to happen ...

There is a third one with only tomatoes ( not fully planted yet ) .....

And apart from that my efforts of the previous years give some colours to my garden and make it a nice place to walk in ....

Some I planted , and some I left, as they were home here .

2 commentaires:

stef et sa belette a dit…


DM a dit…

Merci de ta visite Stef et sa belette ! Dommage que tu n'aies pas les parfums ! ( le tilleul commence à fleurir, c'est un régal ! )