DM blog

A lot of recycling !!!!

jeudi 21 juin 2012

Fleurs du jardin ...

Quelle bonne idée , Greenye !
Elle nous dit que c'est le jour des fleurs !!! 
ça tombe bien ....
 Je venais de faire cette promenade au jardin, en me disant , que oui,  je suis récompensée des efforts que j'ai faits , car finalement ce printemps , chaque jour j'ai eu des fleurs à contempler ....

  Voici donc ma cueillette photographique du jour , les lilas sont fanés depuis longtemps, les roses fanent aussi, il fait trop chaud , mais il y a encore de belles couleurs ...

Allez donc voir les autres bouquets de fleurs , il y en a des magnifiques!

Cliquez !

mardi 12 juin 2012

Défi 13 Juillet 2012

      Pour ce défi 13 , couleur SAVANE , j'ai trouvé tout de suite , car il y avait longtemps que je voulais essayer ce patron de Runo , ( allez voir son blog, Nuno Life 
 , c'est plein de patrons gratuits offerts très généreusement ,  c'est là que j'avais trouvé le patron des petits dauphins qui ont fait bien des heureux )

Aujourd'hui, donc , grâce à ce patron, j'ai  rempli mon défi je pense,


 en éponge extensible ( un peu surprenant à travailler au début , mais il est agréable à manipuler )

 J'ai bien aimé le prendre en photo, ou c'est lui qui s'est pris pour une vedette ???

Et j'allais oublier, il est bien dans l'esprit du blog , puisqu'il est en récup, puisque taillé dans un sweat pratiquement jamais mis ..
Et en plus , j'ai fait d'une pierre deux coups, car je crois qu'il sera à gagner dans le désormais traditionnel JEU DE l' ETE sur Mascottblog !

Et bien sûr, pour aller voir toutes les autres super créations , cliquez sur DEFI 13 , en haut à droite !!!! 

dimanche 10 juin 2012

My harvest of the day ...

I said recently that I spend a lot of time in my garden, that the efforts I have made are beginning to show ...
 It is true, and it is even time for having some real fruit ( or vegetable from my garden )

So today was a harvest day ..... Very modest, but very pleasant ...

This morning , I was on my way to the flea market ( there is a flea market very Sunday morning in the village, it is fun I very often find interesting things , or at least loads of buttons )
 Anyway, on my way I always carry the rubbish to the big rubbish container round the corner  , and guess what I found on the pavement next to it  : loads of baskets and bags!!! So I took them all , that was my first  harvest of the day ...

And I soon found a use for one of the baskets that I particularly fancy, the wire one was very useful to transport my potatoes .... I know , a very meagre harvest , but I got these potatoes because I had put in the earth a potatoe that had germinated , I am glad I tried it , so don't throw your old potatoes , those little potatoes were the most delicious of all !!

And look at the other very nice baskets too !!!! I am sure I will find a use for them too...

Then , I picked a handful of raddishes ... Just a handful , but those were lovely too ! And  as they are my home grown raddishes , I know that I can make my raddish leaves soup with no fear of pesticides , and my soup was nice too ....

And with yet another basket  I went to get some cherries ...I am pleased with that basket and its ancient look ....

So that was my harvest of the day .... And meanwhile, the GS spent his time in the lime tree and gathered loaaaaads of leaves ...It smells like honey in the house tonight .... 
Very relaxing smell too ....
That is it , rediscovering the simple pleasure like eating the fruit from your own garden ... I love that ....

jeudi 7 juin 2012

In the garden : lasagna gardening and other activities ...

I seem to spend a lot of time out in the garden these past days, and although at first it was frustrating, because I didn't see any improvement, I think the garden seems to show signs of being better tended now ...
Well, so I think ...

So let's start with the " lasagnas" , as we have a very poor soil we thought we might try this technique if we want to have some vegetables

This is just a first try , but it kept me very busy ...there are a few tomatoes , peppers and courgettes ..

They have grown since I have taken the photo ....

In the second one , peas , and a few salads in between the rows ...
... And I am afraid the wind has brought in a few wild  grass , which wasn't supposed to happen ...

There is a third one with only tomatoes ( not fully planted yet ) .....

And apart from that my efforts of the previous years give some colours to my garden and make it a nice place to walk in ....

Some I planted , and some I left, as they were home here .