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A lot of recycling !!!!

jeudi 25 novembre 2010

A little unicorn ...

It is a little too big to be hidden in the small boots of the Advent calendar , but I know who it is for , and I am sure she will like it !

Thank you Zazalée for the white felt , and l' Ecureuil for the photo studio of the unicorn in the desert :)

vendredi 12 novembre 2010

des boutons pour " Défi 13"

Pour la première fois , je participe au " défi 13" , le thème ce mois-ci était : les couleurs fanées " , en fait , les couleurs de l 'automne, si j 'ai bien compris ?

Alors , comme c 'est un défi français , exceptionnellement cette rubrique sera en français .

Voici mes 13 boutons ... Tous différents ...

J 'ai commencé par farfouiller dans mon stock de matériel pour voir si j 'avais des couleurs qui me semblaient correspondre ...

Là, j' ai utilisé une canette cassée, tant qu'à faire, je reste dans l 'esprit " recyclage "

Cette couleur me paraît être dans le thème, " orangé sourd " , j' ai pensé à un orangé d 'automne .... Coton, et perle de rocaille .

Le dessous d 'un bouton ...

J 'aime bien celui-ci en tissu...

Un autre dessous de bouton .

En fait , j 'en ai profité pour encore une fois m 'inspirer d 'une idée de Michèle, de " Michèle made me " , pour essayer son super tutoriel de boutons couverts , pour m' en inspirer , disons , parce que je n 'ai pas fait que des boutons recouverts de tissus , je me suis aperçue qu' il y avait en fait tout plein de possibilités d'interprétation de son idée , j'en ai fait recouverts de crochet , de broderie à l 'aiguille , et je n 'ai pas utilisé que du plastique à l 'intérieur , j 'ai aussi utilisé ... des rondelles de bouchons .....

Pour rester dans l 'inspiration des superstitieuses , pour l 'instant, je n 'en ai fait que 13 , et j'ai mis 13 photos , pour mettre toutes les ondes positives de mon côté !)

mardi 9 novembre 2010

Little houses for Christmas

Today , as I had at last finished tidying after the Halloween festivities , I decided to have a try at Michele's little houses , from Michèle made me ....But , forgive me Michèle, I think I didn't stick to the rules ....

Why ? - Well , first of all , maybe just because I am French :)...
And it is difficult to just respect the rules, we make a rule of transgressing a little ..
-( No , in fact my tissue boxes are horrible , and I don't have enough ... I use normal handkerchiefs ... My grandson did his best as he made a few ghosts with paper hankies , but he is back home now ...

I am in the process of making a little village ... ( merci l' Ecureuil for the photo studio , I explain , this is a very good idea, we used a box that was a package for a quad toy for the boy, and it is very useful for taking pictures of little objects like this , so it is my photo studio now , I will change the desert background , but for the moment I like it ! )

I covered the house with little pieces of nice wrapping paper that I had kept ....

I made other tries ... with little angels too ...

I left this one plain ... It was a quiche package ... I confess ....

And also , I had difficulties for glueing the pieces together .. How did Michele made it ? She is SO clever , she makes things so neat , it seems SO easy ... I didn't have the proper glue , I guess , don't think I am going out on this cold afternoon ( cold by my standards of course ) , so I added something like that on the pattern to glue the pieces together....

And I decided to make the roof in one piece ....

- I had kept a few boxes - not only cereals , I am afraid ... But I wanted to try yet another idea by Michele for Halloween , the idea of making webs with the boxes , but we didn't have the time ...
So I didn't respect the rules , I made my houses with other boxes than tissues .... But I had fun on this cold afternoon ( by our South of France standards ) ... I will make some more and leave them unfinished , to decorate them with the kids , I hope ....
So , sorry Michèle , I haven't been very disciplined , but it was very pleasant, I had a nice moment in my atelier making them ...
But I used 2 of your ideas in fact ;) !!!!